FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2008 Scottish Highlands & Islands Edition Entry for CSSCGC 2008 by James Smith I hope you enjoy flying around the north of Scotland with this program I wrote over the last few weeks. It's the first game I've written , although I have used Z80 for a while now. How do I play it? Open the .TZX file from your favourite ZX Spectrum emulator and select 'Tape Loader' or LOAD"" depending on your Spectrum model. Follow the on-screen instructions whilst it loads. For reference, the keys are : O/P = left/right Q/A = up/down W/S = faster/slower BREAK = abort game What makes it crap? 1) The use of UDGs for sprites 2) The use of attribute cells to give a resolution lower than a ZX81 3) The complete lack of a game to go with it (I was thinking of Tranz-Am in the air, ie: go around collecting objects) 4) Flickering text What makes it good? 1) Realistic map 2) Scrolling speed 3) Squeezing over 1.9 million cells (1648x1155) into about 39K. Can I improve it? I have included the source code (game code is gamecode.asm, map data is scotland.asm). The list of locations in the map is detailed in isles.txt. Perhaps somebody can show me how to remove the flicker? There is still a bit of space in the 48K memory map to give it some sort of gameplay. Perhaps a 2 player dogfight game would be a good project? Anything else? If you have any other question then please ask it in the CSSCGC forum and I'll do my best to help! Enjoy.