Hello, "Slap Me Forum Troll" is my csscgc 2008 entry. September 10,2008 (v17) After being kicked out of another speccy forum, you, lamestage, found yourself in another nicely populated forum. Hopefully this time you can take the forum over, and have it all for yourself. How to play? You read posts on the forum and flamefight with everyone about everything. Try to gain karma by flaming poor, and cheering rich. Try and force everyone out. This time you will kick others, and be the best lamestage of all times! Recommended game level is "2-easy" The game is written in basic and compiled with Mcoder3. Tools used in this fine creation are Basin and ZxSpin emulators. Reach me : ardaoncu@yahoo.com browse for more : arda.veanewmedia.com/blog Arda "ref" Erdikmen 2008