Commode Nybbler Part Deux ------------------------- By Digital Prawn for CSSCGC 2009. This game runs on top of James Smith's "Twenty Commodes" VIC-20 emulator for the ZX Spectrum 48K & 128K. Many thanks to Jimmy for granting permission to enter games running on his emulator into the CSSCGC. This game is also the sequel to "Commode Nybbler" which was never entered into the CSSCGC (but, the less said about that the better). Both of the above files are available by searching for "Crapendium" in the WorldofSpectrum infoseek facility. -------------------------- Instructions: Use keys '6' & '7' to guide the worm around the play area, avoiding obstacles, walls and yourself. Eat three commodes (toilets actually) and you will progress to the next level. Be warned, the game is extremely fiddly and unresponsive. If you complete ten levels, then you will finally reach a level called "You have won the game" However, this is almost certainly impossible. ---------------------------- Background info: Each level is named after something connected with British broadcasting of years gone by. If you can get onto level three with a score of six, then you can pat yourself on the back, you have my respect - that is as far as I got with the game!! ----------------------------- Files: CNPD.txt - This document CNPD.z80 - ZX Spectrum 48K snapshot of the game CNPD.asm - 6502 assembler source code, assembles using the DASM assembler ----------------------------- Have fun, assuming you don;t play this of course, DP 05/05/09