Battlecows ---------- (c) 2014 Anders Carlsson This is a strategy game for two players, not entirely unlike Chess or Draughts. The goal is to get as many cows as possible over to the other side of the board. The board consists of seven columns and seven rows, starting with both players having one cow each on every row. To play the game, you have five different commands: (M) to move one of your cows forward, if there is empty space on the desired row. (B) to boost your cow strength. It costs 5 power points each time you use this command. The cow strength is illustrated by its colour, ranging from black, blue, red, magenta, green, cyan and yellow. (A) to attack the opponent cow right in front of your own. The attack consists of a series of fights until one of the cows has won twice. Each fight is played as a random number of 0-4 + strength value is drawn, so e.g. a black cow would draw 1-5, a magenta cow 3-7 and a yellow cow 7-11. Thus the stronger cow, the more likely it will win a fight. (I) to insert a new cow on a row, if you no longer have a cow on that row. It only works if the opponent cow does not occupy your starting position. (N) to skip a move. It may be required near the end of the game, when you have no more cows to insert, no more moves to make, no more cows to attack or boost. If both players decide to skip their moves, the game is finished. Both players start with 5 spare cows and 50 points to use on boosting existing cows. When the game is finished, the final score is displayed and you get to play a new round. Good luck and may the best cows win!