Hello, Please find attached "Sir Arthur Wellesley's Machine Code Skirmish" for the Spectrum 48/128. The object of the game is to help Sir Arthur Wellesley construct a valid Z80 machine code program to increase the morale of his troops. An "X" flag will cause the opcodes in the program enclosure to be poked into RAM at $C300 and executed - the signed 16-bit contents of register pair BC are added to the player's morale on return. Controls: Q-T open gate to let redcoat add flag to program. A-G close gate to make redcoat discard the current flag, every discarded flag decreases the resolve of the troops. Loading: 48k = Load "" 128k = Use (Tape) Loader option It may be useful to have a Z80 datasheet or Appendix A of the Spectrum manual to hand when playing the game. Regards, Garry Wishart (GReW)