---------------------------------------------------------------- V A L K I R I E ---------------------------------------------------------------- CIBERNE SOFTWARE ---------------------------------------------------------------- CONVERTED BY KELLY ABRANTES MURTA - BRASIL - AUGUST 2003 mailto: kmurta@yahoo.com.br ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1.PROLOG We are in Venus and the Valkirie ship, of which you will be the commander, is attending to an help request sent for inhabitants of an island, in the Venusian sea. Your mission will be to find in this island 10 castles, that are being attacked for Giant Birds. 2.HOW TO PLAY: The game has two phases: PHASE 1(CASTLE SEARCH) In this phase, you will have to locate each castle in one mountain labyrinth. Your ship will be able to fly where will have one passage between mountains. If you try to fly in other places, the ship will be destroyed. During the search, the ship could be attacked without acknowledgment, and will go to face fogs or storms, if you will be playing in the levels 4 to 1. The fog hinders the vision outer the ship, but you will be able to waste it if to turn on the radar. The storm hinders the normal use of the instruments, but you can run away binding the shield or the N.C.C. However, if they will be broken, the ship will be without energy or will be loaded for another point of the island. When locating a castle, uses the keys: > S < To see the situation of the 10 castles. > 0 < To enter in combat or to replenish, in case that not exist enemy. If hit other keys, the game will follow normally. The position of mountains and castles are fixed. PHASE 2 (COMBAT) Uses keys 5, 6, 7 and 8 or Joystick, to move the aim. When fit the enemy, hit the 0 key or the joystick button to fire the laser, that will have to be on to work. The combat only finish if all the Birds or the ship will be destroyed. But you can escape from the combat using the N.C.C. But, in this case, the killed Birds will go to recover. When flash an asterisk in the chest of an enemy, it wants to say that it is for attacking the ship. Turn on the shield of protection or the ship could be destroyed. But prevents that occurs an attack since, even with the shield, will be able to have damage in some of instruments. 3.KEYBOARD AND INSTRUMENTS: KEY 0 (JOYSTICK BUTTON) - Move the ship (phase 1) - Star combat (phase 1) - Supplies ship in the free castles (phase 1) - Fire laser (phase 2) KEYS 5 AND 8 (LEFT <> RIGHT) - Move the compass (phase 1) - Move the aim (phase 2) KEYS 6 AND 7 (DOWN <> UP) - Move the aim (phase 2) KEY N (N.C.C.) - Return the ship to the base. N.C.C. means: Navegação Controlada por Computador (Computer Controled Navigation). KEY E (DEFLECTOR SHIELD) - Turn On/Off the shield. KEY R (NAVIGATION RADAR) - Turn On/Off the radar. KEY L (LASER) - Turn On/Off the laser. KEY B (SOLAR BATTERY) - Turn On/Off the battery (phase 2) KEY P (PAUSE) - Pause the game KEY S (GENERAL SITUATION) - shows the situation of each castle (phase 1) 4.CONSUMPTION/ENERGY GAIN: To supply the ship use the free castles or the base in phase 1. And the solar battery in phase 2. *OBS.: If the battery will be on, neither instrument could be used or turned on. PHASE 1 Shield: Consume 1 x Level Radar: Idem Battery: Idem, if unusable PHASE 2 Shield: Consume 1 unit Laser: Idem Battery: Consume 1, if on Instrument no spends energy if will be off (?????) or broken (XXXXX) and has a constant spent of a unit for step of the program in phase 2, and of a unit x level (except in level 5), in phase 1. 5.TIPS: trie to draw a map of the island, showing the positions of the castles and mountains, to move with more precision and rapidity during the game. The compassing, sometimes, is affected for the magnetic field of the radar, but always indicates the direction correctly. It can always trust. Practice in the "CADETE" level, to obtain good victories in the other levels. We desire that you pass pleasant hours of diversion with this program. (Exclusivity CIBERNE, by Divino C.R. Leitão) GLOSSARY: ESCUDO: SHIELD BATERIA: BATTERY ENERGIA: ENERGY BUSSOLA: COMPASS -> N-L-S-O = N-E-S-W (NORT-EAST-SOUTH-WEST) BASE DA NAVE: SHIP BASE