WHAT'S THIS? ============ In 2006 the famous little black door stopper called Sinclair ZX81 (AKA Times 1000) had his 25th anniverary. And since the 10th meeting of the German ZX Team took place in the 15th year of its existence it was clear that this was a special event! So the ZX Team invited every fan to come to the ZX Microfair 2006! Not only some effort had to be spent on the meeting organisation, but also on some programming. The product of that programming you've just filed on your file system. LOAD it into your Timex/Sinclair or an emulator and have a lot of fun! It is a small demo program showing some capabilities of this cute little machine. COPYLEFT ======== All source code is included, and it is released under the GNU GPL. Please read the accompanied file COPYING. INSTALLATION ============ There's not much to do: simply LOAD the file '25thanni.wav' into the real device or the file '25thanni.p' into some emulator. Not many emulators can show all effects, though. I recommend strongly to use the real thing or to search the web for the emulator 'EightyOne'! CONTACT ======= You may contact me via email: bodowenzel _at_ web _dot_ de or just visit my homepage: http://members.fortunecity.de/bodo4all