© 2017 FRANCESCO FORTE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS IS A FREE GAME – EVERY COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION OF THIS PRODUCT WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF ITS AUTHOR IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN Based on Gerry Anderson’s “UFO” TV series 1970(© Century 21 Pictures Limited MCMLXIX). Authored with Arcade Game Designer version 4.7 (© 2017 Jonathan Cauldwell). I suggest playing in 128k mode. Special thanks to: - Jonathan Cauldwell (AGD) - Alessandro Grussu (technical suggestions) - Paul Jenkinson (tutorial) - Tony Manzi (translation) INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------ Year 1984. SHADO (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation) has already thwarted several attacks by mysterious aliens coming from a distant planet, whose purpose is to abduct terrestrial inhabitants to procure organs for transplants for not fully established reasons. However, UFO incursions have not been reported for several months and someone speculates that aliens have renounced their plans. But, suddenly, a huge number of UFOs appears in the NML 12 sector (behind the Moon) to launch a mass attack against SHADO. They want to cross the Moonbase defenses, land near the SHADO Headquarters, attract and destroy as many SHADO Mobiles as possible and, finally, re-enter the NML 12 sector. THE GAME ----------------- The player moves SHADO vehicles to repel the alien attack and must destroy at least 50 UFOs to win. The aliens will have to do the same to neutralize SHADO for a long time. So, who will reach first the score of 50 will win the battle. If the score reaches 49:49 and a UFO and an interceptor (or SKY 1) hit each other at the same time, 51 points will be required to win, and so on. Beating aliens will not be easy: they have great firepower and are advantaged in the forest. The game is divided into three phases: Moonbase, the forest and the escape of the surviving UFOs. MOONBASE ------------------- Four at a time, the UFOs try to cross the Moon and reach Earth. Each SHADO interceptor try to knock down a UFO and re-enter Moonbase through the appropriate tunnel. Moonbase can launch three interceptors at a time, so at least one UFO will succeed in crossing outer defenses and reaching Earth. The UFOs avoid collisions with the interceptors, but if they get too close to them they will have a great chance of destroying them. It’s very important to break down as many UFOs as possible to have more reinforcements available for SHADO Mobiles. Each downed UFO assigns 3 reinforcement points that you can use in the second phase. THE FOREST --------------------- The landed UFOs hide in the forest and the Mobiles must find and destroy them. But the hidden UFOs are very dangerous: they have the advantage of being able to hear the approaching Mobiles and their power is 55, while the Mobiles reach an initial power of 50. If reinforcement points are available, an appropriate menu will allow you to distribute them among the Mobiles. They move one at a time. A UFO is visible only when a Mobile is very close to it. Then, a battle similar to those of “Stonkers” game (© 1983 Imagine Software Ltd) will start. THE LAKE – There is a great lake in the forest. A UFO may be hidden underwater. Place the Mobile between the two trees on the right bank, then press FIRE to fire a depth charge. If a UFO is hidden underwater, it will surface. If the Mobiles destroy all UFOs, the game resume from the first phase, otherwise the surviving UFOs take off to return to the initial attack sector (next phase). THE ESCAPE OF THE SURVIVING UFOs -------------------------------------------------------------- SKY 1 attempts to destroy the taken-off UFOs. At the end of this phase, the game returns to the initial one. About collisions, see phase one. CONTROLS ------------------ You can redefine the controls before playing. Default controls are: I LEFT O RIGHT Q UP A DOWN P FIRE Enjoy yourselves!