CRASH COMPO by Jim Grimwood This is my second-prize-winning entry to the Crash Christmas 1985 Swords & Sorcery competition (issue 24). You had to create a new monster for the PSS game Swords & Sorcery, so I did this little story and picture as a Spectrum program CRSHCOMP.Z80 - make of it what you will. Don't be fooled - it's not over until the end effect with the terrifying picture of the monster. :-) As an extra entertainment, try to identify the three Kate Bush tunes I made a horrible mess of converting to Speccy BEEPs. All my efforts won me a copy of Swords & Sorcery, several other PSS programs, and a bunch of badges (can't be bad). (The first prize was a Dragon's Lair laser disk machine.) -- Another Fine Product from: Jim Grimwood, Weardale, England; home of: Your Spectrum Unofficial Archive (YRUA?) Spectrum Oracle on Trumpton (SPOT*On) magazine index The Type Fantastic (TTFn) magazine type-ins archive --