GAMES INDEX by Jim Grimwood The program that started it all! GINDEX.Z80 is the original magazine index program I wrote on a Spectrum 128k back in 1988, which was eventually transformed into the SPOT database running on an Apple Macintosh (the 'Trumpton' in the title). The .ZIP archive also includes the last Games Index data files consolidated together in the file GINDEX.TAP, a synopsis of the program features and options in GINDEX.TXT and a listing of the machine code section in GINDEX.ASM. As storage space quickly ran out on the 128k RAM disk, I included a 'compress' option to remove entries for programs with no reference lines or for publishers with no game entries. I think there is a bug in this machine code routine, as when I came to look at the GINDEX data prior to setting up SPOT I found a number of entries missing which I was sure should have been there, and I think they got overwritten by the 'compress' option. If someone could find the bug I would be grateful. The machine code's all rather clunky as I never became particularly adept with it. The set of data files consist of a number array which specifies the size of each of the following 26 program data files, a string array with the publisher information, and then 26 headerless data blocks with the data for the program entries, one for each initial letter in the alphabet. The program data blocks are copied to the Spectrum's RAM disk area. The initial question about the 8056 printer is so that RAMTOP will be set to leave space for the printer driver if necessary. Option entries take the initial letter of any of the listed options as a response. In general, if there is no explicit cancel option, then an empty response of just pressing Enter will return to the previous option. The main options of Input/Delete/Load/Save/Query/Reports/End are all pretty self-explanatory. When Inputting an entry, the full name for the program title and/or publisher must be entered to obtain a match against any existing entry, otherwise the program will ask if a new program or publisher record is to be inserted. The codes used for the other fields are: Magazines: c=Crash, m=Micro Adventurer, s=Sinclair User, v=Computer & Video Games, y=Your Sinclair Program type: a=Adventure, p=Puzzle, r=Arcade, s=Strategy/Simulation, u=Utility Index code: f=Feature, h=Hints/Pokes, p=Preview, r=Review The Delete screen allows deletion of program index entries, not the program entry itself; program entries can only be removed by using the Compress option on the Reports menu. On the Delete screen the program offers in turn each index entry of the selected type for the selected program and asks if it is to be deleted. Again, just pressing Enter will break out and return for another selection. The Query screen returns records where the query string matches the beginning of the program title; at the List? prompt the [nps] options stand for No|Printer|Screen; just pressing Enter will skip the List and display the next matching record, if any, or "boop" otherwise. The List? prompt with the same options is also used on the Reports screen. Error messages in red require an Enter response to continue. Tape read or verify errors and Break are trapped and handled within the program. On selecting End from the main menu, if changes have been made without a save then a message to that effect will be displayed and the program will return to the main menu. If End is then immediately selected again without a save, this will be taken as an override and the program will quit. -- Another Fine Product from: Jim Grimwood, Weardale, England; home of: Your Spectrum Unofficial Archive (YRUA?) Spectrum Oracle on Trumpton (SPOT*On) magazine index The Type Fantastic (TTFn) magazine type-ins archive --