PROSPECTOR FOR THE ZX SPECTRUM 48K ©2018 AMCGAMES THE STORY The townsfolk had warned us against the old, abandoned mine. “It's cursed!” they told us, and crossed themselves when they did. But we were too greedy, too foolish to listen... My men went ahead to do some preliminary scouting of the mine, and I stayed back at our base camp to prepare supplies for our exploration. When they didn't return on time I didn't think much of it. They often lost track of time. But when the sun went down, and then the moon rose in the cold night sky, I began to worry. Staring out at the night from the safety of the cabin, I heard a chilling sound in the distance. It sounded like a large animal, but somehow different. When it roared I heard... screams? I tried to tell myself it could have been the wind. But hearing the sound sent a chill down my spine, and I knew it had something to do with the disappearance of my men. Collecting my pistol and some rope, I crossed myself before I set out into the night... P., January 23, 1912 (From an unnamed prospector's journal, found by skiiers in 1970, frozen in the ice of northern British Columbia, Canada.) THE GAME PROSPECTOR is the exciting new action platformer from AMCGames for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k. Features over 30 screens and multiple enemies! CONTROLS Q / A up or jump / down O / P left / right SPACE fire pistol As well as keyboard control, Kempston and Sinclair joysticks are supported. CREDITS Coding, design, and concept by Aleisha M. Cuff (Dec 2017-Jul 2018) This game was made with AGDx SPECIAL THANKS Jonathan Cauldwell for Arcade Game Designer (AGD) Allan Turvey and David Saphier for AGDx Dave Clarke for code suggestion Ariel Endaraues for playtesting Facebook's AGD Homebrew group for support and inspiration THIS GAME MAY BE DISTRUBUTED FOR FREE IN ITS ORIGINAL FORM THOUGH ALL RIGHTS REMAIN WITH THE CREATOR