Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge We are pleased to introduce a fun variant of Manic Miner, a 'High Score Challenge' The object is very simple, just obtain the maximum possible score for a cavern! The idea was inspired from a topic on the WOS forum a while ago. Upon loading, you will be presented with a menu list of the standard caverns, simply press A to T to select one. This will then become the starting (and only) cavern to play. The caverns are completely unaltered from the standard game, as are the scoring counts. Upon completion of a cavern once all the air has been removed, the game will purposely freeze. At this point you can make a note of your score. To restart the cavern at this point simply press BREAK (Caps+Shift) The game is provided as both a conventional .tap tape file as well as a .z80 snapshot image. Please feel free to tell us your best scores and we will update the rankings below! Please note the following very minor changes were necessary to the game engine itself to facilitate: There are infinite lives provided A loss of life will cause both the cavern to be reset as normal as well as the score The "Teleporter" (603179) function is disabled There is no demo mode as such, as there is nothing really to 'demo' As noted above, once a cavern is complete the game will freeze until BREAK is pressed If you wish to change the cavern it will be necessary to either reload the snapshot or do a POKE 34274 , x , with x being 0 to 19 for the cavern choice. Enjoy!