The Great Caravan Caper Delbert the Hamster Software (1991) / Standalone Version (2019) Written by Gareth Pitchford & PAWed by The Spud (Scott Denyer) 'You've been grounded for the rest of the holiday by your parents. They've ordered you to stay at home tonight, while they go out, but you've already arranged a date with a girl you really want to get to know better - If you cancel now she won't even talk to you again! You must find a way to escape from your locked caravan to get to your rendezvous, with both money and your nightclubbin' clothes. There's one problem. You've only got an hour to do it or you'll be late, and your parents must never find out that you've been out of the caravan. Good luck, you'll need it...' The Great Caravan Caper was one of the extra mini-adventures that was inside the Spectrum 128K version of Microfair Madness. It was accessed by inserting an in-game disk into a computer into one of the locations. Like the other Microfair Madness mini-games, it was a complete adventure in itself. By finishing the game you gained access to an object you needed for one of the puzzles in the main adventure. The 128K version of Microfair Madness had a lot more text, puzzles, locations, jokes, and two additional mini-adventures. The Great Caravan Caper wasn't included in the Spectrum 48K edition or the Amstrad CP/M version. This 'standalone' version of The Great Caravan Caper was produced in 2019 and provides a way to play the game outside of Microfair Madness 128K. This edition of the game uses a lot of Scott's original code but includes lots of bug-fixes, improved logic, and extra responses.