========================= ZHL ========================= You are Tod Connor, a deliveryman working for ZHL, a multi-planetary package pickup and delivery company in the 24th century. You have been tasked with picking up a mysterious package from a warehouse on one of Jupiter's satellites. A simple job got complicated. A science fiction tale created by KMBR Release 5 Acknowledgements to aa@zdk.org and Carlos Sánchez (UTO) Reynolds font by DamienG https://damieng.com/zx-origins ZX7 graphics compression written by Einar Saukas Compiled on Z88DK v1.99b This work is under a CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ (c) 2019,2021 KMBR 03th April 2021, KMBR