Wiwo Dido and the Case of Mazeddy's Castle ------------------------------------------ Game info --------- Wiwo Dido made his entrance to the ZX81. While searching for emperor Mazeddy's Castle Wiwo Dido fell through the old roof of the castle. On the ground with his torch Wiwo can see a part of the castlecorridors. To go through the exit Wiwo must collect 5 keys which lie somewhere in the castle. Use controls QAOP to find the keys. The found keys are shown on top off the corridors. Each 4th colom holds a key. The exit is set on the right site of the castle. Technical info -------------- The game runs in a 1K RAM ZX81 with a Hires screen!!!!! To make this possible only a small part of the screen is shown; the part that is illuminated by Wiwo Dido's torch. The emulator EightyOne must have WRX hires set. Have fun. Dr Beep