To install and run 'Ronaprise USS 19-2020' using the OZvm emulator, simply follow these steps: 1) Click on an empty slot from 1 to 3 at the bottom of the emulator window. If no slots are available, you will have to remove one of the installed cards. 2) The 'Create Card' window should open. Change the card type to anything but 'RAM', and then click on 'Load Files...'. From this dialog, navigate to the folder where the BASIC listing is stored, and select the file. Make sure the tickbox for 'Create File Area' is ticked. 3) Select 'Yes', and the card should now appear installed in the Z88. At this point, perform a hard reset of the Z88. 4) Use the cursor keys within the Z88 to navigate to the FlashStore application. Press ENTER to open it. Once loaded, you should move the cursor to the card which you have just installed and then press ENTER to inspect its contents. 5) Once inside the card, 'RONAPRISE.TXT' should be present in the directory. Simply select it and press ENTER (making sure your cursor is in the directory view). 6) You will be asked if you want to copy 'RONAPRISE.TXT' to the Z88's internal RAM. Press ENTER to confirm. 7) Now that the listing is in the Z88's RAM disk, press ESC until you return to the application menu. Now, select BBC BASIC. 8) Once inside BBC BASIC, type the following: *CLI .*RONAPRISE.TXT The listing will start to copy itself from the RAM disk into BBC BASIC. This part takes a long time, so if you'd like to, you can speed it up by unticking the 'Z80 CPU 3.2768MHz' option in the 'Z88' menu. Remember to tick it again once the program has loaded. 9) Eventually, the program will finish loading (for reference, the final line number is 4770). You will probably want to make a snapshot here to save you the trouble of reloading the game later. To play the game, just type 'RUN' and hit ENTER, and you're away! These steps assume you are using a freshly installed version of OZvm v1.2 for Windows. This guide has not been tested on other versions of OZvm or different operating systems. No liability can be accepted for damage to your computer or yourself as a result of following these instructions (though I can't imagine how one would incur such damages).