M6 Simulator 1950's Beatnik Edition. You're a 1950's beatnik heading north to spout some spurious clap trap at some pretentious northern coffee house A simulation of driving 232 miles up the M6 back when there were hardly any cars (saying that there are too many in this version), as you drive you'll need to stop for a wee, food or a drink the quicker you get to the layby and park up the remaining time gets added as a bonus. If you don't get there in time you become distracted and slow down, if you have a drink (being the 1950's you'd have a beer or two as I don't think drink driving legislation existed back then) then you may stray into oncoming traffic until you sober up. You can damage the car by scraping against other vehicles but ahead on collision, side swipe or being rear ended is game over. All in glorious black and white. Controls 1 Keyboard 2 Kempston 3 Sinclair Keys are 2w90 Included are two versions, standard and ULAplus.