This Game Will Pit Man Against Machine -------------------------------------- By Andy 'Uglifruit' Jenkinson For the CSSCGC 2020 Featuring: 100% BASIC 10 'exciting' levels to beat - each with one of six random phrases Frustrating "edutainment" style-gameplay Some quite nice text effects, given that it's in BASIC A best-score that is just about beatable 1 UDG (that is never printed to the screen, but is LPRINTed to the attribute area) [This game is NOT compatible with a ZX Printer] Having marvelled at a website• detailing how to optimize a BASIC program on the ZX Spectrum, and finding a particularly neat trick to change the system variables for the Print Buffer, so that LPRINT prints 'stuff' on multiple lines of the screen display quite quickly, I decided this needed to be turned a crap game, and quick! Thus "This Game Will Pit Man Against Machine" was born - an edutainment title to help your skills at typing on your 'dead-flesh'. This game will have you copy-typing ten increasingly annoying phrases, and will leave you wondering why the the pound sign (and other shifted characters) are on /that/ particular key, instead of somewhere sensible. It's even more fun in an emulator when you're trying to remember which key has which character on it AND which one is mapped to 'symbol shift' Andy. 7th October 2020 •[The article on efficient BASIC programming that inspired this game is here, and has lead to some ASTONISHING 100% Basic games eg. Wudang, and others found here: They are genuinely not crap at all, and very worth your time having a go at, especially if you've ever done any ZX Spectrum programming/typed-in listings and been underwhelmed with the results.]