------------------------------------------------------------ 4CHM - 4 Channel Music Editor for the ZX Spectrum Copyright (C)1989-2021 by Alain Viddeleer ------------------------------------------------------------ ABOUT 4CHM ------------------------------------------------------------ 4CHM allows writing music with four separate music channels for the ZX Spectrum, which is 4 times more than the standard beep, allowing 4-tone chords to be played simultaneously. The key layout is intuitive like a piano keyboard, see below. Music scores can be saved and used as standalone tunes, which can be incorporated in your own games. For this purpose, the border colour can also be chosen to blend in. ------------------------------------------------------------ LICENSE ------------------------------------------------------------ 4CHM is free for home use. It is allowed to use the music created with 4CHM in your own software, also commercially, provided that: 1. The software mentions "Music powered by 4CHM". AND 2. A free copy of the software is provided to the author of 4CHM, Alain Viddeleer, arviddeleer [at] mail.com It is not allowed to alter the editing software itself. It is not allowed to distribute the editing software without this manual. ------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION ------------------------------------------------------------ This zip archive contains 2 files: - 4CHM_Final_Version_1989.sna - 4CHM_Manual.txt (this file) This archive may be distributed, provided that both files are included in unaltered form. ------------------------------------------------------------ USAGE ------------------------------------------------------------ Command keys: 1-4: Select channels 1 to 4 5-7: Select octave 1-3 (where 1 is the lowest) 8: Change Border colour. This colour will be used during playback. 9: Load Tune (press Break to abort) 10: Save Tune: 1. Type a filename and press Enter. 2. Choose a memory address where you want the routine to be placed and press Enter. A message "START TAPE" will appear. Press record on your cassette recorder and press any key. In the left textbox the filesize is displayed. The code can be loaded at (and run from) the chosen address to add the music to your own games. Q: Scroll back P: Scroll forward E: Rewind to start SShift: One step back R: Start/stop Playback W: Slower playback speed O: Faster playback speed I: Show program Information U: Erase current Tune (press Y to erase, N to cancel) CShift: C A: C# Z: D S: D# X: E C: F F: F# V: G G: G# B: A H: A# N: B M: C ------------------------------------------------------------