Home for ZXMas by Dave Hughes. Woot Tape Magazine 2021. Minimum model = 48K LOAD"" or Tape Loader option to load. It's ZXMas Eve, and you have to work the late shift. As usual, the space highway is blocked due to a solar storm. Therefore you have to take a detour involving 18 treacherous intergalactic B roads. Keys QAOP, Space to retract ship, H to Pause game. The goal is to guide your ship to the flashing exit. There is nothing to collect on the way (after all, you've done all your xmas shopping... haven't you?) - all background pixels are deadly. You have infy lives, but the number of fails is counted. Of the 18 levels, #17 is CRUEL. It has been deliberately kept ~close to the original screen it was based on. I like the idea of seeing it as a natural rock face: 'this is how it is, now find a way to conquer it'. And if you develop your playing technique along the way, it *can* be conquered without too much stress. Coded with SPIN 0.666 assembler (still my favourite) Screens compressed by the mighty ZX0 (https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/entry/36245/ZX-Spectrum/ZX0) You should be able to spot which are my graphics, and which I ripped from classic games, but here is the list from which I ripped: -all the Gary Lineker games -Chaos -Chronos -Chuckie Egg -Cobra -Friday the 13th -The Great Escape -Manic Miner -Sam Fox strip poker (don't fret - she's still got her duffle coat on) -The Force -toilets from various Speccy games, mostly from Alessandro's excellent quiz (https://spectrumcomputing.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?p=74153#p74153), plus a few more. Can you spot them? Enjoy. Happy ZXMas. Keep the attribute flashing YO!