DUNGEON MASTER'S CHARACTER SHEET (aka. Adventurer's Database) by Peter R Fleming from Big K #7 (Oct'84) p.74,75,102 (not 104) This superb utility is purpose-built to link computing with the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing mob in what is, for games software, a new way. A database, in business software, can be compared to a card index divided into "fields". Filling out the "cards" with relevant categories of information is the first step; the database can then be manipulated to keep track of a role-playing session's "characters". The chief user of this computerised record-keeping tool will be the session's Dungeon Master. As players take turns he will have access to each character's prowess sheet on his VDU. Points gained or lost, or status altered, can then be entered permanently into the database. Although designed for Advanced D&D it can be easily converted for other systems such as T&T [Tunnels & Trolls. JimG]. Once the program has been typed in then RUN 200 which will set up all the variables. SAVE "Character" LINE 1 will auto-run it on re-loading. Use GO TO 1 to restart at any point.