----- FRONT ----- Danish Toolkit AUTO: Automatically writes linenumbers when programming in Basic. SIZE: Shows contents of what the memory storage contains. RENUMBER: Renumbers the lines in your basic programs (Also GOTO, GOSUB, RUN, RESTORE and LINE). DELETING: Deletes all basic lines between two given linenumbers. SPEED: Changes the speed with which the Spectrum works (Both Basic and Machinecode). Detailed instructions in the program. ----------- INSTRUCTION ----------- AUTOMATIC LINERENUMBERING RANDOMIZE USR 64713 1. Type first line number (+ENTER) 2. Type the step wanted between each line (+ ENTER) If you want to get of the command: Press SYMBOL-SHIFT and BREAK (+ ENTER) SIZE RANDOMIZE USR 65295 (+ENTER) RENUMBER RANDOMIZE USR 64745 (+ENTER) 1. No. of first line (+ ENTER) 2. Step between two lines (+ ENTER) DELETING RANDOMIZE USR 64674 (+ ENTER) 1. First line, that you want to delete (+ ENTER) 2. Last line, that you want to delete (+ ENTER) SPEED (only works when auto have been used). POKE 65151,N (+ ENTER) N is a number between 0 and 255. The larger the number the slower. Before LOAD/SAVE: POKE 65151,0 ----- SPINE ----- Danish Toolkit Copyright BODA -------- BACKFLIP -------- Copyright to this program belongs to ZX Data. Copying is not allowed. However, this does not go for backup copies mainly for the buyers privat use. Neither the programmer or the dealer can be made responsible for any direct or indirecly damage that occured by the use of the tape and/or program. ------------------------------------------------------------ Translated from Danish and typed by Michael Bruhn aka Frankie 5/2-2022