--------------------------------------------- | Deadly Warriors The Adventure 2008 | --------------------------------------------- --------------- Introduction. --------------- You've played Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken & all the Harry Potter games. Seen all the movies like Best of The Best, Karate Kid and Pokemon. Now, its time for you to try the ULTIMATE FIGHTING game. Now you don't just press random buttons!! You must think before you press a key. YES THINK !!! Fighting have never been more realistic!!! Using the money that you gain in each fight,you can buy better equipment and hire a better coach. The experience from each fight can be used to raise your skills in one of the most advanced skill system ever created. "Deadly Warriors The Adventure (TM)" is a family game that its main goal it to kill all your opponents until you become the "killing machine tournament (c)" champion of 2008 ------------- Instructions: ------------- The game features an interactive full AI help system that handles the helping system. So, just follow the instructions of the game. Controls: This game lets the user select from a great variety of control methods. The alpha version of this game that was released in the early 90s,was the first program that allowed the use of the Wii Stick on the ORIGINAL SPECTRUM!! So, you can use Normal keyboard,Wii, mouse and mind control. This version does not recognice voice control yet because the Z80 had a bug in its voice recognition intruction set. --------------- Main features : --------------- -Realistic descriptions of the fight!! -The fight algorithm is the most advanced ever written. The military leaders of the 5 more powerfull countries want to buy the right to this code!! -A team of professional fighters & referees were hired just to make sure that the rules are implemented perfectly & the game is realistic -It features an extensive skill configuration system for strategy/RPG fans (which for simplicity is transparent to the player). -It features an extensive money configuration system for manager game fans (which for simplicity is transparent to the player). --------------- Requirements: --------------- -A normal spectrum emulator -if you want to take a glipse of this game. -A spectrum with 2GB Ram (not shared) required if you want to enable the advanced Artificial Intelligence engine of the game (sorry,but a real spec is required because all the emulators are very poorly coded so they can't understand the hidden spectrum intrustions that the AI machine uses) --------------- Known Bugs: --------------- -None. All are features! --------------------------------------------- What people have to say about this game : --------------------------------------------- -Sir Bill Sinclair : "I haven't played anything that realistic before !!!" -Linus Gates : "That game was the real reason that computers were invented!!" -Clive Torvald : "In my next version of my operating system I'm planning to put this game in the main Kernel!" -Miss Amiga Amstrad : "I used to have an Atari ST. If I knew about taht game before I'd have buy a spectrum" -Hewlett Epson : "I always wanted to spend my vacation in an isolated island! " --------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting --------------------------------------------- Our company policy does not allow shooting when there is trouble. --------------------------------------------- (C) Firelord 2008 - trister12[at]yahoo[dot]gr (please include the word SPECTRUM somewhere in the Subject of the mail. Have Fun :D !!!