Buy a Retro Machine and Sell it for More Money in Another Place Simulator! (or BARMASIFMMIAPS ) Introduction ------------ Thank you for buying "Buy a Retro Machine and Sell it for More Money in Another Place Simulator!". This is an amazing game that is not based in any other game you ever played. Not even DOS DopeWars! The story so far ---------------- It "Buy a Retro Machine and Sell it for More Money in Another Place Simulator!" you are Jason Slartibartslow. A guy that spend most of his life entering in and out of mental institutions. The reason : he learned in a very young age the true story behind Santa Claws and the Easter Bunny [1]. This game starts with you -Jason- just having stole 1000$ from a elder guy! Inside the institutions you have thought and planned your next steps in your life and this was the first step! The second step was to make the 1000$ you stole more! You know that you must buy something and sell it to crazy person for a crazy ammount of money... From your experience you know that most crazy people will want spend much money on 3 things: 1.Drugs 2.Matchboxes 3.Shoelaces After a lot of thinking you decided to throw a dice to decide. You throwed a 4! Since you didn't know what option was 4 you decided to buy and sell retro computers[2]! Game ---- In "Buy a Retro Machine and Sell it for More Money in Another Place Simulator!" you start with 1000$ in the city that you woke up this morning and looking to buy a retro computer so you can sell it in a more expensive price. In each city you are presented with an easy-to-understand menu where you select if you want to Buy Sell Of Travel. To buy you must press 'b' , to Sell you must press 's' and to travel you must press -as you have already guessed- 'm'. Then you select item,quantity or location from an other -easy-to-understand user interface. Features -------- -The best game you've ever played with the name "Buy a Retro Machine and Sell it for More Money in Another Place Simulator!"[3] -The game features 5 unique locations. Don't worry if you don't have enough movey in real life. In this game you will visit these locations and feel like you realy travel -You get 1000$ free in the start of the game -You owe 1000$ in the start of the game -but you can ignore them! -Traveling between location is free! -Like real life, the game does not end. You can play it as much and as long as you like! Known Issues ------------ -I didn't write this game in the 80s! -All other issues have moved in the "features" sction. -If you get a negative price don't panic! Spoilers/Hints -------------- Don't read the next lines!!! ---Try to sell an item in a higher price that you bought!!!--- [1] : For more information about these stories check the manual of the two amazing games named "Find Santa" and "Find the Easter Bunny". Also, you could check the "Find the Book" which is also amazing. All of them can be bought from OR if you are cheapskate you can just find them as CSSCGC 2021 entries. [2] : Retro computer: a computer that someone bought -during PI times (Pre-Internet) because he thought it was the best but then he found out that there were much better models in the market! [3] : Shorter game name in "BARMASIFMMIAPS".