ADVENTURE WRITER (aka. Adventure Creator) by W. Mitchell from Games Computing, February 1985 Remember The Quill? Now Games Computing brings you the Adventure Creator for the ZX Spectrum. With Adventure Creator you will be able to write your own adventures with up to 50 locations and 100 objects [Actually just 25 objects. JimG] All the usual adventure features are here: HELP, directional control, descriptions of objects, traps, puzzles and anything else that you can do with an adventure game. [Something of an exaggeration. JimG] The adventure is created by saving the program along with its defined variables. When you load it back in all the variables are still intact and they contain the adventure game. If anyone can work out a way of being able to list out the finished game we would be pleased to know. [The program tends to crash with "Out of memory" when trying to ] [play the generated adventure from within the Writer. JimG ]