ASTRO BLASTA (aka. Astro Blaster) by J. Hall from Games Computing, December 1984 Three waves of aliens try to break through Earth's defences, namely your FX-III laser launcher. Unfortunately you have limited laser power and using it too much will cause you to overheat and blow up. If the attacking alien reaches your end it's also curtains. On destroying the present wave of aliens you have chance to go onto the next screen. Your ship flies from right to left. Pressing fire (M) drops a bomb, hopefully on the alien; missing causes you to go back to the beginning of the wave. If the aliens fail to break through your barrier they will mount the attack again from the beginning. Watch out, aliens fire lasers. Control keys: Q = up A = down M = fire laser / drop bomb 10 aliens have to be destroyed on the first wave, 20 on the second and 30 on the third. RUNdown Lines Action 2-9 prints title and plays tune 15-25 prints your ship 30-40 reads direction keys (Q and A) 50 checks to see if you've pressed fire (M) 500-600 fires laser 800-820 prints initial score, lives left, etc. 1000-1200 moves alien 1500-1550 fires alien laser 2000-2040 this routine is called when the alien reaches your side of the screen 3000-3050 ship blows up routine 6000-6100 alien blows up routine 7000-7100 prints your ship 8000-8060 drops bomb 8500-8700 blows up alien, moves on one level 9000-9010 DATA for title tune 9500-9600 blows up your ship 9800-9940 sets up graphics Variables Used A,B your ship's co-ordinates X,Y alien's co-ordinates SC score HS hi-score AL aliens destroyed BL lasers left PIT,DUR pitch & duration of notes in tune PO used in scoring G,VAL used in initialisation of graphics E$ alien