DRIVER by S. Goodley from Games Computing, July 1984 - Page 58 THE HOUSE ON MISTY HILL by S.W. Lucas from Games Computing, July 1984 - Page 49 I have recently been searching through some papers belonging to my late great-grandfather and came across a note telling me about the "House on Misty Hill. There are reputed to be several items of treasure to be found there and I decided to search for them immediately. Please help me in my quest by giving me instructions in the form of two word sentences such as "GET LAMP". Words Understood N,S,E,W for directions. CLIMB, DROP, EXAMINE, GET, GIVE UP, GRAB, HELP, HIT, INVENTORY, KILL, LEAVE, LIGHT, LOOK, PRAY, PUSH, QUIT, READ, RUB, SCORE, SHOOT, SWIM, TAKE, THROW. WARNING! I suggest that you don't read these [hints] unless you are really stuck! 1. Don't forget the light in dark areas. 2. You can find a way with a map. 3. If you get stuck ask for help. 4. The key is useful if you get locked in! 5. A rope helps you to climb all sorts of things. 6. Prayer can get you out of some tricky situations. RUNdown Lines Action 50-60 set initial value of variables 70-140 dimension arrays 150 calls subroutine for titles 160-170 set variables 190-200 call routines to fill arrays 230-790 main control loop - describes locations and items, asks for input and jumps to routine for action 800-890 fill arrays 900-1550 data for game 1560-1820 take routine 1840-2070 drop routine 2080-3200 routines for help, pray, etc. Variables Used h,d,x,y used in counting loops p holds current location v$(x) holds inventory q$(x) holds location descriptions s(x,y) holds map g$(x) holds descriptions of items found m(r) holds pointers b(x,1) holds pointer to locations Other variables are used as flags. Conversion Clues The program is written in a very standard form of BASIC. Only minor changes will be needed to implement this game on other machines. INK, PAPER and BORDER are used to select foreground and background colours. BEEP 1,1 gives a short sound effect and can be left out entirely if you want. The major problem with conversion to Microsoft-type BASICs is in string manipulations. Z$(1 TO 4) in Spectrum BASIC will need to be converted to LET Z$=LEFT$(Z$,4). Also the dimensions of the string arrays in Spectrum BASIC include a second number which specifies the maximum number of characters which the array element can hold. This number should be left out in versions for other machines.