SEA HUNT (aka. Beach Hunt) by D. Pashley from Games Computing, November 1984 This is an adventure game with high-resolution graphics in places, but it is mainly text. However, there is one big difference: Instead of the run-of-the-mill game with trolls, gnomes, sorcerers, etc., this game is set on a normal, everyday beach! However, there is one similarity; the object of the adventure is to find a diamond. No vocabulary needs to be learned, as the program asks you questions and then gives you several options, each followed by a letter. All you have to do is enter the letter that corresponds to your choice. I suggest when typing in this program, you do not try it all in one go, and keep a check of the time. RUNdown Lines Action 21-41 6000-8000 sets up graphics, variables and screen 102 decide which path to follow 110-505 600-641 westward path 700-750 eastward path 800-880 southward path 900-920 southward path continued 1000-1006 westward path continued 9000-9001 death routine Conversion Clues This should be very easy, but the things to remember are: COLOURS: 0 black, 1 blue, 2 red, 3 magenta, 4 green, 5 cyan, 6 yellow, 7 white BEEP: This is the Spectrum's sound, and can be omitted for other computers, where it could be a headache (the Commodore). However, be careful, as some DATA statements are the notes for the sound routines. INK, PAPER, DRAW, PLOT, BORDER: These are graphics statements and should be converted. (INK, PAPER and BORDER are colour statements and can be omitted.) PRINT AT: Some computers use PRINT TAB or PRINT @. Variables Used a$ input variable (constantly changing) wounds number of wounds sc score gold amount of gold that you have There are a few user-defined graphics in the listing and, to help you recognise them, the letters to look out for are: A beach notice board C helter-skelter D left part of ice-cream van E right part of ice-cream van P triangle pointing left Q triangle pointing right T wave ---------------