SWARM A new game for 16K Spectrum by Simon Lane from Popular Computing Weekly, 16th September 1982 An experimental research station at Porton Down is working on a hush- hush project. In a quest to invent a new weapon, to match the Super Powers' terrifying nuclear arsenals, the research team is altering the genetic DNA patterns of various insects. Black widow spiders, their poisonous bite enhanced a thousand fold, are kept under close observation. Killer ants, bred for size and ferocity, are encase in specially constructed titanium alloy cases. Even beetles, their skins toughened to withstand almost any shock, are being used as instruments of destruction. The research team's most successful experiment has resulted in a species of hybrid bee. These bees have wingspans of 12 ft., with bodies to match. They are carnivorous and need to feed almost constantly. Unfortunately, a swarm of the bees escaped from one of the hives. The bees are approaching a nearby city, looking for food. You are part of an artillery unit called up to deal with the menace. Your rocket launcher is one kilometre away from the swarm, but you only have enough ammunition for one shot at each bee. When run the program displays rows of the giant bees on the screen. Using the keys 5, 6, 7 and 8 you must position your sights directly over each bee. Enter 0 to fire. Full instructions are contained in the program. User-defined graphics are present in line 80-240, 310, 320, 1087 and 1260 [... and several other places as well. JimG]