BOUNCE for Sinclair Spectrum by S. McIntosh from Popular Computing Weekly, 4th August 1983 The object of this program is to bounce the babies that fall from the building across the screen, and also to catch the parachutists who fall from the helicopter. You get 50 points for bouncing a baby, 100 points if you bounce it off the screen, and 100 points for catching a parachutist. Difficulty 'j' alters the baby's x coordinate as it falls back to earth for the second or third time. Lines 2 to 160 [5 to 16] set up the user-defined graphics and lines 9000 to 9080 set up the variables. The reason I used PRINT AT in lines 6000 to 6009 [line 6000] was because I found that a FOR ... NEXT loop produced a flickery effect and it also slowed down the game considerably. [Controls weren't given in the game or in the magazine, but they're] [o/p to walk left/right and O/P to run left/right. JimG]