AmAZiNG WiLLY - 2o18-2o22 by Carl Paterson [CnP Projectz] Big thanks to Daniel Gromann [jetsetdanny] for loading/title screen, music, coding and post production.. The music will change throughout the game depending on which room your in, and theres way more of it than in any other JSW remake.. Again thanks to Jet Set Danny.. Willy, spurred on by a "promise" from maria.. he must tidy the different rooms collecting the various items before returning to "Master WiLLyZz BeDCHaMBeR" to receive his reward, will he make it? will Maria be there? Thats for you to find out.. Hope you enjoy playing as much as i have creating AmAZiNG WiLLY.. Edited using JSWED 2.3.7 by John Elliot made as a homage to the original JSW by Mathew Smith [1984] which i played relentlessly as a teen, looking back it was a great time to be a teen at the birth of home computing and now in 2o22 we have come so far but always yearn for 'the good ol days' of MM + JSW which lead me to stuble across this great editor and after several trys i started AmAZiNG WiLLY.. Believed to be lost, i was digging around on my HD and found my JSW folder intact with my game nearly finished so i worked on it whenever i had spare time for the last few months during the spring of 2o22 leading to AmAZiNG WiLLY being finished a few months later.. Thanks to Stephanie, Ryan, Damien, Chloe, Holly, Karl, Kaylee, Carole and Robyn.. Love you all.. Any questions, or feedback, contact me via email