The next HACKER In the saving year of 1984, you went to your desk and opened your computer. The well known and trusted Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k. You've also got a modem with grandma's pocketbook and now you're ready to connect to EMPEROR's BBS to download a new game... You dial the number your best friend gave you at school today... Well if you remember correctly it is definitely 7777776... The modem starts making strange sounds and after a few minutes a screen asking for user-id/password. What are you doing now? You start typing like crazy and you get it but… On the screen with the password, the keyboard writes normally, just the characters are not visible on the screen. If you log in, give help to see a list of commands and their syntax. A tip to get started is to @prt,d the drs disk (LDPRD1). Happy untangling :P