ZX Universe Conquest 2022 By Firelord Quality Games - Strategy Department Introduction ------------ Thank you for buying "ZX Universe Conquest!". This is an amazing strategy game that will give you many days of exciting strategy action! There was huge ammount of effort to create this game since this morning where it was conceived as an idea! The story so far ---------------- In "ZX Universe Conquest!" you are Ken Jake-un . A guy that started his life in the mines of Caprica DL234-5 planet. He was always in fighting mood because each day he had to fight with the Caprica Rats just to eat. As the year passed he joined the army and now is the General of one of the strongest armies in the universe. His amazing strategy skills made him one of the most famous persons in all galaxies. As all generals he has one goal : To win everyone and become the Supreme Commander!!! Game ---- In "ZX Universe Conquest!" you start with an army of 500000 spaceships. You must conquer all the planet in the known universe to become the supreme commander. Each planet has it's own strengths and weaknesses and you must choose the correct strategy to conquer it! If you loose it will cost you in speceships.If you run out of spaceships then... GAME OVER... Features -------- -10000+ different and unique planets! -More than 2 strategy options to conquer each planet! -You can be aggresive warlord or a diplomat by offering bribes -Each planet has it's own characteristics. Attack, Defence and Sexiness! Known Issues ------------ -I didn't write this game in the 80s! -All other issues have moved in the "features" section. -Unknown issue. Spoilers/Hints -------------- -Just be yourself!