CANNIBAL ISLAND 2 ================= After nearly a thirty-year break I decided to again create a new game for ZX Spectrum, a remake of the Cannibal Island title, originally made exactly 30 years ago, in 1992. ( This game is almost entirely made in BASIC, except for the music routine and sound effects. Unlike its predecessor that is barely playable from today's perspective, this sequel is much more featured and its code optimized for speed in scope of "slow" BASIC, of course. It's also my tribute to ZX Spectrum's 40-th anniversary we're celebrating this year. ===================================================================================== The Story: The President of one unspecified Central-European republic, some Milhouse, let by pure whim all journalists executed. He was sentenced for this vile act to a forever exile on a desert island in the middle of the Caribbean. To his misfortune, however, it turned out that the island was not quite deserted, there was a forgotten indigenous tribe that still practiced cannibalism. President's fate is suddenly threatened, his spokesman George (dutiful beyond the grave) organizes a grandiose operation to save the mentor whom he uncritically admires. Lowered by a helicopter on the island, George fearlessly begins to fight a tremendous number of cannibals appearing from all around. Please note that all names and characters in the game are fictious, and any similarity with real persons is purely coincidental. Besides, the plot of the game is set in the very distant future. ===================================================================================== The game: Your goal in this game is to overcome all traps of the island, eliminate all 30 cannibals, and save the President who shall otherwise end up as the main dish of the local natives. You can use your gun with infinite amount of bullets. Another important helper is the rope that you can throw from one palm trunk onto the other. The total number of lives is defined by three levels of difficulty that the game offers – easy (9 lives), normal (4 lives), and hard (1 life). ===================================================================================== Controls: O/6 - left P/7 - right Q/9 - up/jump A/8 - down M/0 - fire Space - rope ===================================================================================== How to get started: 1) You can shoot even while jumping. 2) Not every bush is poisonous. 3) It's not recommended to approach cannibals. 4) Not all cannibals are immediately visible. 5) The rope can be used only above the ground (from a palm trunk ideally). ===================================================================================== The Authors: Pavel 'Pavero' Plíva - program, graphics Vladimír 'Trixs' Krištof - title screen Tomáš Nestorovič - English translation ===================================================================================== Used tools: 8bit Sprite Editor - by RM Team Basin 15.8 by Paul Dunn BeepFX by Shiru Wham! The Music Box The Art Studio Pavero Software 2022-2023