From Presh's release post on the Spectrum Computing Forum Sun Aug 14, 2022 4:54 pm: Just found this on my hard drive, as a snapshot dated 04/01/2021. Some might say this is more fun than the original US Gold conversion... the frame rate is definitely an improvement a lot of the time :lol: Load from BASIC using LOAD "" then RUN (n.b. I didn't use LINE when SAVEing as the game starts immediately - due to the 1K limit, y'see?) Controls are: Q - left P - right (make sure caps lock is off!) Top line: distance travelled 2nd line: score The aim is to travel the full distance (1000) - the game is over if you go off the road. You get 5x more points for driving on the left-hand side of the road. When the game is over, you'll be also given your final rank - this is your score as a percentage of the highest score available. To play again, BREAK into the program and RUN again. (again, due to the 1K limit) ... t&type=tzx So, why 1K? IIRC, I was planning to do a ZX81 "demake" for one of the crap game competitions but, having never used a ZX81 before, I figured it'd be best to write it on the Speccy *then* port it to the ZX81. I never finished the ZX81 version, as I hadn't realised how *insanely slow* ZX81 BASIC is - even shortening the road to just 2 characters tall, it still runs at a snail's pace (and half of the game logic isn't even in there yet!) - plus the inability to put multiple BASIC commands on a single line number or after an IF condition (using the : character) means I would have run out of memory anyway... the Speccy version already comes in at 849 bytes, rising to 1017 bytes at runtime once all the variables have been created.