WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE - 2o22-2o23 by Carl Paterson [CnP Projectz] Firstly a big thank you to Daniel Gromann [jetsetdanny] for loading/title screen, music, coding and postproduction.. WiTM was supposed to be a sequel to "AmAZiNG WiLLY" [My First game] but we decided it wasnt really a sequel it was a completely different game in its own right.. so here it is, i hope you enjoy playing as much as we did creating it. While innocently doing his business in the bathroom Willy looks in the mirror, a sudden flash from a nearby nuclear power plant combined with aliens fighting the drone wars in your loft [so original] create a rip in the space, time continuum. When your eyes refocus after the flash your still in the bathroom but is it your bathroom? It certainly looks like it but little things are different, who left the cap off the toothpaste? My gaze catches the toilet, hmm it shouldnt be there, wait is it moving? The toilet seat suddenly crashes open and closed and then starts coming towards me, i think it wants to eat me.. My mind wanders to my love, "Maria" i must find her.. Willy must traverse almost 60 rooms of mystery collecting all the items as he goes so he may be reunited with Maria and hopefully return to his own universe, well Maria is an astrophysicist, all that sciency stuff she knows im sure she can get us home in some kind of "magiver" episode ive watched but cant remember the ending.. Any questions, or feedback, contact me via email cnpaterson820@gmail.com.. Enjoy.. Carl Paterson * CONTAINS SOME FLASHING IMAGES ** LOOK OUT FOR FUTURE GAMES FROM "CnP PRoJeCTz" Version history: v1 - unreleased development version v2 - released 10th February 2o23