BURST THE BALLOON (aka. Balloons) by Rob Smith from Popular Computing Weekly, 15-21 September 1983 THIS PROGRAM NEEDS ISSUE 2 EMULATION BECAUSE OF ITS USE OF IN TO SCAN K/BD This is an amusing game for either machine. The game starts with a small introduction, a balloon rising up to a dart and bursting. The introduction also shows you the control keys, and tells you that by pressing two keys at once you can move diagonally. This is done by using the function IN to control movement. The BORDER and PAPER colours are POKEd in, rather than entered from BASIC, to avoid any risk of interfering with IN (lines 40-50). The object of the game is to steer a dart so that it bursts the balloon which appears in random positions on the screen, and to do so in the shortest time possible. To make things harder, every so often the balloon shifts to a new position. At the end of the game the Spectrum will give you a report on how well you played. Do not be offended if it is rude to you at first; you will soon get better. If you find the game too hard you can change line 720 to read: 720 IF a/30<>INT (a/30) THEN GO TO 390 My high score is 100. Variables high = high score p = vertical co-ordinate for dart p1 = horizontal co-ordinate for dart p2 = vertical co-ordinate to delete dart p3 = horizontal co-ordinate to delete dart a$ = dart lives= time/25 a = time counted b = vertical co-ordinate for balloon c = horizontal co-ordinate for balloon r$ = report Graphics Line 210 - graphic E Line 220 - graphic A Line 250 - graphic C,E,D,B Line 480 - graphic I Line 490 - graphic H Line 500 - graphic G Line 510 - graphic F