TANK DUEL for Sinclair Spectrum by A.R.P. Collins from Sinclair Programs August 1983 WE ARE BECOMING increasingly surprised and delighted at the quality of listings emerging as Spectrum owners become more and more skilful in the use of their machines. Tank Duel is yet another excellent listing to set alongside several others in this issue. It requires skill, luck and speed and is played on a stylised but convincing battleground. Full instructions are given with the program but briefly the game requires two players to control a series of tanks travelling across varied terrain towards the final showdown. Three types of obstacle are encountered - tank traps which can disable your vehicle but which can be blasted away; trees which can be pushed over but which will block your shells; and mines which can neither be pushed over nor destroyed by gunfire but which will not impede your shooting. The game was sent by A.R.P. Collins of Enfield, Middlesex. (16K Spectrum). Graphics notes: 220-Graphic A, graphic B 260-Graphic shifted 1 270-Graphic C 280-Graphic D.