Juggle81 - 1k entry for 2004 Minigame Compo Public domain by Russell Marks (rus@svgalib.org) for 1k ZX81 (should also work on 16k machines and emulators) I wasn't planning to write any entries this year, but I've always wanted to do a ZX81 game specifically for the compo... so here it is. Juggle81 is more-or-less a clone of Nintendo's very first Game & Watch game, "Ball" - in particular, the Hard mode. In this you have to juggle three balls, using both hands rather like bats in Pong or Breakout to deflect the balls back up. If you drop a ball, it's game over. You score one point each time you stop a ball from falling, and the game speeds up a bit for every 20 points you make. The key thing to remember is that you DON'T need to have a hand under the ball at the moment it would fall. All you have to do is make sure a hand touches the ball - no matter how briefly - while the ball is in its lowest position. This may sound like a trivial difference, but it buys you a lot of time and you'll be crap at the game if you ignore it. :-) Also, this is (like the original, I believe) very much a "pattern" game, it's completely deterministic with no randomness at all. So if you really want to improve your game, try learning the pattern. The keys are: F left J right Both hands are moved at the same time. The game supports simple sound (just beeps) using the Bi-Pak Zon X-81 add-on, so if you're using my "z81" emulator on Linux you may want to enable that by starting it with e.g. "z81 -a z". Known bugs: - when a new game starts, the balls gradually move to the start position from their old positions. This looks rather odd. - the start position is different from the G&W game, as this simplifies the code slightly. The speed gradient is also completely different in Juggle81, and I think it starts off faster. - the juggler's weird extending arms are a feature, not a bug. Or to put it another way, the G&W game also had them. :-) -Rus.