"The Color Challenge's Jailbreak" - ZX Game Project ID#001 Created by Timothy Alcid Produced with Dave Hughes' Classic Game Designer ***************************************************************** Description: White has been arrested and sentenced to 15 years in the Spectoria Prison for armed robbery by another color that almost looks exactly like him. He knows he's innocent and appeals by White and his participants has failed to convince the judge. So he has enlisted your help to escape the prison! Controls: W - Up S - Down A - Left D - Right You may redefine these keys by pressing R at the title screen. Gameplay: There are nine levels in the game. Each level consists of enemies, mainly of police patrolling the compound (represented by a blue circle with a P) and thugs (represented by a red circle). However in the cafeteria, watch out for live food. White may slip and fall, getting the attention of the cops. In the sewers, watch out for rats and spiders because White is scared of these kinds of creepy crawlers and that will also get the attention of the cops. You only have one chance of helping White escape, because after all, you only live once.