Guide to making your own levels DATA format for making new levels: Levels are stored at lines 6000+level*100, the first free one would be at 7100 Change line 9450 MAXLEVEL to ONE MORE than the number of levels (so it is currently 11) # LEVEL NAME,Number of magnets (up to 7),starting timer 7000 data "Easy Does It",6,130 # Harbour blocks, number of blocks, then the coordinates of each in the format Xposition,Yposition,Xsize,Ysize 7001 data 0 # The Magnet Coordinates (x,y) and intensity of each magnet: 3 = normal, 2= more intense, 1=even more. negative numbers "push" rather than pull. 7002 data 1,15,3, 6,1,3, 15,1,3, 20,15,3, 15,30,3, 6,30,3 #Start pixel coordinates of ferry (x,y), and initial direction (dx,dy) 7003 data 10,10,2,2 #Fixed baddies; Number of, then co-ordinate pairs for each one (x,y) 7004 data 1,2,2 #Fixed collectibles; Number of, then co-ordinate pairs for each one (x,y) 7005 data 0 #Random baddies; Number of, then co-ord limits [x,y] (top left) and size of block they can appear in [dx,dy] 7006 data 7,4,4,14,24 #Random collectibles; Number of, then co-ord limits [x,y] (top left) and size of block they can appear in [dx,dy] 7007 data 3,8,8,6,14