Sendy The Endless of Arcane Design presents: MANIC PERSON – A 40-cavern Manic Miner modification with 20 normal and 20 extreme difficulty caverns to explore. for the ZX Spectrum (48K or higher) and devices/software able to emulate it © 20th December 2005 to 23rd September 2023 by Alexandra Cornhill Content warning: Some rooms contain mild sexual innuendo and crude representations of crude stuff : ) About: Manic Person started as my first attempt to make a regular 20-cavern Manic Miner hack with all new levels, new challenges, puzzles and atmospheres. The game eventually split into two difficulty ratings: Human (Normal) and Inhuman (Extremely Hard) versions. These are separate games but most of the rooms are substantially changed not just in difficulty but in visuals. One cavern has a unique layout that's different in each version. Look out for it! Manic Person was started in 2005, and became abandoned alongside my other JSW project at the time – Jet Set Willy: Role Reversal. Years later in 2023 I decided to revisit these old files and with the help of Daniel Gromann they have been given an extra coat of paint and polish. Not only are there unique background tunes for each screen (20 128-byte-long tunes, i.e. 40 times as much in-game music as in the original MM, which has just one 64-byte-long tune), but sound effects have been added as well, including the item collection sound from JSW. Story: (This will hurt a little, hopefully not too much. I made this up in 5 minutes because there is no real story. Ok? The story is the jumps you make along the way I suppose) Willy is pining for his life of mining For jumps that need near-perfect timing So in the end he comes to me Because he knows just how I can be I made a stage on which he can perform So now he no longer feels so forlorn (In fact he's going to have a fight To collect all the flashing items in sight!) Now, without hat, just an ordinary person Whose condition from now on can only worsen Unless he gets all of the flashing items And finally wins the game on my terms While beepers sing their blippy tune May Willy evade the terrible foot of doom! Credits Game engine by Matthew (from Earth) Smith Level design, most graphics by Alexandra Cornhill Manic Miner Screen Editor by Andrew Broad Jet Set Willy Editor (JSWED) by John Elliott 'Specials by Room' patch by John Elliott Some sprites by Matthew (from Earth) Smith (i.e. Manic Mining Robot in Hoping for Frequency) Some sprites by Vidar Eriksen (Erix1) (i.e. Faces in Pudding) Some sprites by Fabián Álvarez López (Adban de Corcy) (i.e. Dominatrix, Head giving head) Some sprites by Peter M. Harrap (i.e. Faces in Bad Trip - The Divvy's Lair) In-game music coded by Daniel Gromann (jetsetdanny) using various European and American songs Loading screens by Michał Gromann Extra coding (sound and border effects, ending screen) by Daniel Gromann (jetsetdanny) Extra coding made easy thanks to Richard Dymond (SkoolKid)'s complete MM disassembly Music coding made easy thanks to info by Richard Hallas Decimal/hexadecimal systems conversion done using Binary Hex Converter File comparison done using SPECSAISIE by Andrew Broad Optimisation of the Game Over sequence code by Norman Sword JSW item-collection sound code supplied by Andy Ford (Spider) 'A simple laser effect' code by utz used in switch tripping Loading screen, BASIC loader and the final structure of TAP and TZX game files created using ZX-Modules by Claus Jahn (especially ZX-Paintbrush, ZX-Editor and ZX-Blockeditor, respectively) Loading screen compressed using Screen Compressor by Andy Ford (Spider) Game tested on ZX32 Spectrum emulator by Vaggelis Kapartzianis Game tested on FUSE 1.6.0 by Philip Kendall and Others Game tested on ZX Spin emulator by Paul Dunn, Mark Boyd and Mark Woodmass Game tested on Spectaculator by Jonathan Needle E-mail My email is: You can message me here if you're a member: Or on my YouTube channel here: Or even listen to my progressive breakcore and post-chiptune albums here: Websites JSW Central ( - a comprehensive website dedicated to Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy games for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community ( - the best place for Willy-based discussion, game development and fun If you've read this far, thanks for reading this far. And if you're feeling so inclined, GO AT IT! :) Good vibes and chunky pixels, Sendy p.s. Final note from Sendy. Thanks ever-so-much to Daniel for his extensive playtesting and for making most of this readme file (minus the bad poem, lol).