JeT SeT JnR aNd ThE CuRsE oF ThE PhArAoH by CaRL PaTeRSoN [CnP PRoJeCTz, 2o23] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A loosely based.. Egyptian themed.. Jet Set Willy remake.. Paying homage to the original MM and JSW by Mathew Smith [Bug-Byte Software Ltd/Software Projects 1983/1984] This game was created using John Elliott's JSW Editor [JSWED] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firstly a big thank you to Daniel Gromann [jetsetdanny] for loading/title screen, music, coding and postproduction.. Thanks also to.. Robyn <3.. for room ideas, item placement and pecking my head while editing, Carole <3.. for letting me spend hours creating these games.. The Manchester Posse <3 Stephanie, Ryan, Damien, Chloe, Hollie, Karl, Kaylee and lastly Willy.. for your years of devotion to Maria.. Please see the "JeT SeT JnR aNd ThE CuRsE oF ThE PhArAoH - CReDiTzz" file for full credits and acknowledgements. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Willy.. The infamous tomb raider, has just returned from an Egyptian expedition where he raided several tombs, he was warned.. the items he had stolen carry a vengeful curse.. 3 people from the expedition have already mysteriously disappeared but as Willy says, "it's all superstitious nonsense." This is his last expedition, after this last big payday its time to retire.. That evening.. while in the basement opening crates and examining artifacts, he comes across a sacred golden tiara.. looking closely.. he reads the hieroglyphs.. H..A..T..S..H..E..P..S..U..T.. Suddenly.. a horrific scream is heard from upstairs.. As Willy rushes to the top of the stairs, the house begins to shake and rumble.. The gap around the study door flashes several times like lightning.. As he cautiously walks to the door, he opens it to see his son and heir disappearing into some kind of portal.. The faint voice of a female laughing echoes around the room.. And with a final blinding flash his son.. has gone.. Willy drops to the floor.. my son.. THE CURSE, Damn it.. its true.. JeT SeT JunioR wakes in darkness.. as his eyes adjust to the darkness he notices the walls are covered in hieroglyphs, something catches his eye.. it reads.. "DaMnEd SPiRiT GuArDZz" how can he possibly read this.? "I dont understand, its like some kind of video game from 1984" he thought.. Stunned and confused he must continue on.. to find a way home.. ======================================================================================== Help guide JeT SeT JunioR through the pyramid, transported to the time of the pharaohs by "Hatshepsut's curse" he must collect all the sacred and cursed items so he may return home through the Royal Crappier - the Toilet of Time, his only possible way home.. ======================================================================================== Any questions, or feedback, contact me via email Enjoy.. Carl Paterson ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: v1 - unreleased development version v2 - released 22nd December 2o23 - first public release