SHOOT OUT --------- from Sinclair Programs September 1983 I.H. BALCHIN of Wallingford, Berkshire is a keen computer programmer. He reads at least eight micro magazines each month to know all the latest news about computers and his friends are shown his perfected programs so that he can benefit from their advice and opinions. While working on Shoot Out for the 16K Spectrum he was trying to write a game which two players could play simultaneously, as he felt there were insufficient of them on the market. In Shoot Out two rival gangs meet in the desert for a fight with water pistols. The blue gang moves up with 1, down with Z, draws with Q, replaces guns with W, and squirts with A. The magenta team moves up with 0, down with symbol shift, draws with P, replaces guns with O, and squirts with L. Both gangs must avoid the cowboys who drive past in a wagon, occasion- ally shooting any gangster who is not safely behind a cactus.