====================================================== CSPECT LOADING INSTRUCTIONS for KATAKOMBS OF KAKRAFOON ====================================================== ACHTUNG! This game has been developed (for the most part) on a real KS2 Next (delivered in December 2023), with NextBASIC version 2.08. I am aware there are new additions to NextBASIC over those I know from reading the KS1 manual, and I have tried to avoid them where I knew I could have used them. Every version of CSpect I have used from January to December 2023 has had version 2.06H of NextBASIC installed, and I am told it is possible to install 2.08 on CSpect, which is the latest version of the emulator I have. There is a further complication - CSpect runs at around 80% of the speed of a real Next, which is especially noticeable for programs using the fastest clock speed (RUN AT 3, 28 MHz). Hence, I have made an alternative version of the game that will work on CSpect natively with NextBASIC 2.06H, with adjustments to make the game run at somewhere near real Next speed, and with further edits made to minimise the ways in which CSpect may crash. NOTE THAT IT MAY STILL CRASH ANYWAY - that does tend to happen, especially if there's too much going on with tiles moving around on screen (not so much for sprites, fortunately). The CSpect/2.06H version should be considered a B-grade version of the real thing, which exists solely so that those without a real Next (or clone) can play it. FIVE files are required to run Katakombs Of Kakrafoon successfully: +--------------+----------------+---------------------------+ | chars6.bin | CODE 64512,768 | 6-pixel character set | | kok.bas | LINE 30 | Main program | | mcode.bin | BANK 47,0,113 | Machine code | | tilemap.bin | BANK 41,0,400 | Tile map for game screen | | tilespr.bin | BANK 42 | Tiles & sprite sheet | +--------------+----------------+---------------------------+ For the CSpect / NextBASIC 2.06 version there are TWO more files: +--------------+----------------+---------------------------+ | kok206h.bas | LINE 30 | Main program (for 2.06H) | | mc206h.bin | CODE 65368,113 | Machine code (for 2.06H) | +--------------+----------------+---------------------------+ kok.txt and kok206h.txt are also provided as a way of viewing the listings outside of the Next environment. ================================================================================ Installation instructions ------------------------- As of 14 December 2023, after a three and a half year wait, I own a real Next. But not everyone does, and those who missed both Kickstarters, can't afford a KS1 or KS2 Next at eBay scalper prices, can't afford an N-Go or an Xberry Pi, or just wants to experiment: CSpect is the most capable Next emulator but can be a bit finnicky to set up, and requires the use of a virtual SD card image. If you don't have that SD card image already (how did you expect to get Next emulation working without it?), download a pre-made image with all the files needed to make a Next work properly, from https://zxspectrumnext.online - use the "CSPECT Next distribution 2Gb SD Card Image", which will unzip to a file cspect-next-2gb.img. Rename it if you want (I renamed mine SD1.IMG - make sure to change the filename every time it's required in the guide below.) Also, Mac and Linux users, you're on your own for the installation and use of anything mentioned below - I know a bit about the use of ./ and CHMOD to execute files and they'll be .SH instead of .BAT, but when it comes to compiling from source, that's several orders of magnitude above my pay grade. Deal with it. 1. First, in NextBASIC or in the Command line, create a folder "KOK" (MKDIR "KOK"). 2. Copy the five game files into this folder on the SD Card image. This will involve the use of HDFmonkey - details are given below. Either: 3A. Select Next BASIC, CD "KOK" and LOAD "kok.bas". Or: 3B. Select the Browser, then the "KOK" directory, then "kok.bas". Use "kok206h.bas" instead of "kok.bas" if required. Installation and use of HDFmonkey --------------------------------- 1. HDFmonkey, by Gasman (found here: https://github.com/gasman/hdfmonkey) has to be compiled from source, and I can't help with that. However, there are pre-compiled packages out there, such as this one for Windows on https://uto.speccy.org, for as long as the link lasts: https://uto.speccy.org/downloads/hdfmonkey_windows.zip 2. Drop HDFmonkey.exe into your CSpect directory, and create a folder "SD2" (which will hold files to be transferred between the SD card image and your CSpect folder). HDFmonkey works on the command line, so it's easier to make a batch file that will do the job easily: hdfmonkey put cspect-next-2gb.img SD2\kok.bas KOK\kok.bas Save this as HDFMUP.BAT, and run it. 3. ASIDE: Note that to get files off the SD card image, replace "put" with "get" and switch SD2 and KOK around (or whatever folder you're copying items from on the image). e.g.: hdfmonkey get cspect-next-2gb.img KOK\tilemap.bin SD2\tilemap.bin Save that as HDFMDOWN.BAT and edit it as necessary. Check that the files have downloaded properly - if they are showing 0 KB, they failed. I've found that out the hard way. It may be best to open a Command Prompt window and run HDFMUP.BAT and HDFMDOWN.BAT from there. - JRW 14/1 MMXXIII - 26/1 MMXXIV