Centronics Interface
Advanced Digital Systems Ltd
Your Spectrum Issue 2, Mar 1984   page(s) 63,65,67,69


Good as it is for the price, many users are bound to be disappointed with the output from Sinclair Research's own printing device. For those toying with the idea of upgrading their Spectrum system with a professional printer, Henry Budgett takes an in-depth look at the technology involved and the plethora of interface devices now available.

Regardless of what one actually thinks about Sinclair Research's ZX Printer, it's impossible to ignore the fact that it really does work. For the price and performance that it offers there's no equal anywhere. But despite that, there are users who need something a little more professional. Software houses developing programs, small businesses using the ZX Spectrum or just a serious user who demands something better than a sheet of aluminised paper that is, at best, just legible after a few days' handling.

We're fortunate in having a number of commercially available interface units that allow the ZX Spectrum to be connected to the growing range of low-cost printers. In the main, these units convert the signals provided on the expansion connector into those which conform to the industry standard Centronics interface. There are two stages to this conversion: that of altering the electrical characteristics of the output from the ZX Spectrum and that of converting the character codes from Sinclair Research's own internal format to true ASCII.

The alterations to the electrical signals are handled in a variety of ways by the interfaces reviewed here; some use very sophisticated chips to handle the work, others tackle the task by using more of the simple ICs. Only one of the interfaces in this review offered the possibility of connecting to a serial printer but, in theory at least, the problems involved are tackled in much the same way.

All the interfaces were supplied with software drivers of one sort or another (see the individual panels for further details) and in general, these all work by intercepting the ZX Spectrum's printer routine vector. This is the location in memory that stores the address of the routine which controls data being sent to the printer by LLIST and LPRINT. By changing this address to that of the new driver all the data is re-routed through one of the OUT ports to the interface. On their way, each of the characters passes through a 'code converting' routine held somewhere in memory. While the normal alphanumeric codes closely follow the standard ASCII set, all the control codes, predefined graphics and Basic tokens must be intercepted. In the case of the tokens, these are converted back into strings of ASCII letters before being listed. Because many of the currently available printers use sequences of control codes to change character fonts or to select graphics, provision must also be made to allow these codes to be sent without being trapped.

The test equipment to which the various interfaces were connected comprised a Tandy CGP-115 four-pen plotter printer and an Epson FX-80 dot matrix printer. Unfortunately, the Epson turned out to be 'Dead on Arrival' and the author's Apple Dot Matrix Printer was substituted. As this printer is based on a TEC chassis, it proved impossible to check the graphics dump facilities on all but one of the interfaces. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the software provided wouldn't operate correctly with the appropriate hardware and indeed, the Kempston interface unit has been seen elsewhere to function perfectly with both the RX-80 and FX-80 printers.

Hardware: A slim, vertical mounting unit housed in a custom-made casing. Even neater to look at than the Kempston, the interface is excellently constructed internally. The attention to detail is very high; the power supply to each of the seven ICs is filtered by its own capacitor, but on the sample submitted some of the soldering left a little to be desired. The interface lead is some 1.5 metres long and not detachable from the interface. Also, no provision has been made for other interfaces to cascade from the rear of the unit.

Manual: Four A4 pages of matrix quality printout provide a substantial amount of detail, although some of it needs reading two or three times. It gives a full explanation of where the software is located and hints are provided on how to alter the COPY routine to suit printers other than Seikoshas.

Software: Two routines are provided on tape: one to do simple text listings and the other to give high resolution screen dumps on to a Seikosha GP250X printer. The text printing routine allows the token expansion to be suppressed in order to send control codes. As the software is fully relocatable, it's possible to fit it anywhere, though normally it loads into memory and then relocates to the top before setting RAMTOP to protect itself. ADS is currently working on an upgraded version of the high resolution dump software to give full colour screen images through the Seikosha GP700A printer.

Price: £34.50, all inclusive.

Summary: A superb unit, equal in many ways to the Kempston, but slightly let down by the provision of supporting high resolution dump software for only one range of printers.


Of the three standard units - Kempston, ADS and LPRINT Mk II - the latter inherently has the advantage of on-board software, giving it greater speed and more flexibility. Between the other two the ADS is slightly the neater but the Kempston is supplied with a better range of driver software and virtually every- thing works with it directly.

The two 'up-market' units both have advantages in their own ways. For serial printers there is no option but to choose the Morex unit. It offers parallel as well and comes complete with an excellent manual; if pushed, it probably represents the 'Best Buy'. It's a shame about the packaging - fit a nice box around it and you'd have a real winner.

The Hilderbay unit stands or falls on its usage. If there is a need in your life for a printer buffer - and you already have a ZX Spectrum - then this interface will satisfy both requirements. It's also rather cheaper than having to fork out £230 for a 64K printer buffer! As a standard interface it offers nothing special, apart from direct compatibility with all of Hilderbay's software.

There are other printer interfaces around - for instance, Softest offer one especially for the Tandy CGP-115. However, as it's a serial-only interface and all the others seem to drive the device quite well, I'm not sure about its value. Unfortunately, the promised review unit failed to appear by the deadline for this survey so no further comment is possible.

The interface you choose should really reflect the uses to which it is going to be put. If all you want is a simple-to-use means of getting a proper printout then the ADS, LPRINT Mk II and Kempston units offer just what you are looking for, provided that the driving software is available. More sophisticated users will find the Morex unit well worth a look and those with other computers to support will find the Hilderbay device attractive from the printer spooler viewpoint.

REVIEW BY: Henry Budgett

Blurb: Y.S. Hardware Review Printer Interface Summary KEMPSTON Facilities: Parallel (Centronics): Yes Serial (RS232): No Extender: No Vertical Mount: Yes Horizontal Mount: No Detachable Lead: Yes LLIST: Yes LPRINT: Yes Programmable CR/LF: Yes Spoole Facility: No Microdrive Compatible: Yes Graphics Dump Software: Epson RX/FX Series: Yes Star DP 510/515: Yes Shinwa: Yes Seikosha GP80/GP100: Yes Seikosha GP250X: Yes Seikosha GP700A: No NEC: No Tandy CGP115/MCP40: No Juki Daisywheel: No Microline 80: No ADS Facilities: Parallel (Centronics): Yes Serial (RS232): No Extender: No Vertical Mount: Yes Horizontal Mount: No Detachable Lead: No LLIST: Yes LPRINT: Yes Programmable CR/LF: No Spoole Facility: No Microdrive Compatible: Yes Graphics Dump Software: Epson RX/FX Series: No Star DP 510/515: No Shinwa: No Seikosha GP80/GP100: No Seikosha GP250X: Yes Seikosha GP700A: Available Soon NEC: No Tandy CGP115/MCP40: No Juki Daisywheel: No Microline 80: No LPRINT Facilities: Parallel (Centronics): Yes Serial (RS232): No Extender: No Vertical Mount: No Horizontal Mount: Yes Detachable Lead: Yes LLIST: Yes LPRINT: Yes Programmable CR/LF: No Spoole Facility: No Microdrive Compatible: Yes Graphics Dump Software: Epson RX/FX Series: Yes Star DP 510/515: Yes Shinwa: Yes Seikosha GP80/GP100: Availalble Seikosha GP250X: Availalble Seikosha GP700A: No NEC: No Tandy CGP115/MCP40: Availalble Juki Daisywheel: No Microline 80: Availalble MOREX Facilities: Parallel (Centronics): Yes Serial (RS232): Yes Extender: Yes Vertical Mount: Yes Horizontal Mount: No Detachable Lead: Yes LLIST: Yes LPRINT: Yes Programmable CR/LF: Yes Spoole Facility: No Microdrive Compatible: Yes Graphics Dump Software: Epson RX/FX Series: Yes Star DP 510/515: Yes Shinwa: Yes Seikosha GP80/GP100: No Seikosha GP250X: No Seikosha GP700A: No NEC: Yes Tandy CGP115/MCP40: No Juki Daisywheel: No Microline 80: No HILDERBAY Facilities: Parallel (Centronics): Yes Serial (RS232): No Extender: No Vertical Mount: Yes Horizontal Mount: No Detachable Lead: No LLIST: Yes LPRINT: Yes Programmable CR/LF: Yes Spoole Facility: Yes Microdrive Compatible: Yes Graphics Dump Software: Epson RX/FX Series: Listing Star DP 510/515: No Shinwa: No Seikosha GP80/GP100: Listing Seikosha GP250X: No Seikosha GP700A: No NEC: No Tandy CGP115/MCP40: Listing Juki Daisywheel: Listing Microline 80: No

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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