Reset Switch Box
Sinclair User Issue 32, Nov 1984   page(s) 43


From Computer World comes a reset switch for the Spectrum which does not involve opening up your computer, and thus does not invalidate the guarantee.

The switch avoids constantly removing the power lead when resetting the Spectrum, although putting the switch on top of the case would have been better, as you must hold the case each time the switch is pushed. Instead there is a light emitting diode (LED) on the top to tell you the power is on.

The main reason for having this type of outside reset switch is to save your power socket and plug from all the wear and tear it would receive in normal use.

Priced at £4.99, the switch is available from Computer World, 208 Kent House Road, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1JN. Tel: 01-778 0479.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Sinclair User Issue 36, Mar 1985   page(s) 26


One advantage of the Spectrum Plus over the Spectrum and ZX-81 is the inclusion of a reset switch. That saves a lot of wear and tear on the power socket which, if it becomes too worn, can lead to reliability problems.

To save you the trouble of making your own switch, two companies, Yewser Friendly Products and Computerworld, have brought out their own. Both consist of the inevitable little black box, into which the power lead is plugged, a push switch, an LED indicator and a lead to the computer.

The push switch on the YF unit turns the power on and off - like the switch on a bedside lamp - while that from Computerworld requires a simple push to break contact. Neither of the units is a substitute for a mains on/off switch but both are convenient and simple to use.

Priced £5.45 for the Spectrum version, £4.95 for the ZX-81, plus 70p postage, the Yewser Friendly switch can be obtained from 7 Thames Street, Hampton, Middlesex TW12 2EW.

Computerworld at 208 Kent House Road, Beckenham, Kent at £4.99 for a Spectrum unit.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 37, Nov 1984   page(s) 196


If you own a Spectrum, Oric or Electron then you may often have wondered there's reset switch on your micro? Well, if you want one then Computerworld has the solution. Their reset switch box costs just £4.49 and will work with either the Spectrum, Oric, Atmos or Electron.

The box is plain old black but you can have the switch in a choice of red, white or black. Now there's luxury for you!

Computerworld are in Beckenham, Kent and if you call 01-778 0479, they'll tell you all about it.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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