Micro Blaster Joystick
Compumart Ltd
Crash Issue 62, Mar 1989   page(s) 35


Forget Star Wars, this is a series destined to really run. In Issue 60 our joystick update promised sequels as soon as we received more sticks. With blisters not healed from that feature, Mark and Phil return to the joystick frontline...


PHIL: This is a decidedly normal-looking joystick with a ball handle and two fire buttons on the base. A metal shaft ensures good durability, as well as a nice solid feel. Microswitches for the fire buttons and stick directions make the Microblaster very responsive, especially with the very short stick travel. The stick is a tiny bit stiff for hand-held use, however, and is better placed on a table.

A fine, solidly-built joystick, suitable for all types of games and my pick of the bunch.

MARK: In my opinion, this very robust stick feels a little too stiff for very responsive play. In the hand the Microblaster is fairly comfortable, but on a table the rubber studs don't hold it as steady as the Zipstik. A good stick, in short, but I prefer the Zipstik.

REVIEW BY: Mark Caswell, Phil King

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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