Your Computer Issue 9, Sep 1982   page(s) 28,29

Chromasoft's three programs varied from the sublime to the ridiculous. Worm is a simple but clever idea. A worm on the screen has four segments, and the player has to direct the worm around the screen, eating up numbers. Each time a number is eaten, they flash up randomly, the length of the worm increases by that amount. As the worm gets longer, it becomes more difficult to navigate, because you are not allowed to leave the screen or to cross over yourself. One player reached about 125 segments, and could not find any space.

The program is as simple as the display but the idea worked. Defined colours and graphics for the segments would be improvements but only cosmetic. Bomber is an uninspired rendering of Blitz. Golf is not only unexciting but bug-ridden. Amongst other things the game was unwilling to play the right number of holes.

REVIEW BY: Boris Allan

Summary: Addictive, yet simple.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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