Arcade Classics
Silverbird Software Ltd
Your Sinclair Issue 36, Dec 1988   page(s) 54,55


Ben 'n' Skippy take a seat in the stalls to play their way through this month's cut-price offerings! With a bit of help from the usherette of course!

Reviewer: Ben Stone, Mike Dunn

Hey, all you crumbly Spectrum users! Forgotten what the first Speccy games played like? Then get a hold of this fabby package. Cos here's four golden oldies for you to view. Remember Space Invaders, The Galaxians, Combat Zone and Earth Defence? Well they're all here nostalgia freaks.

Okay, so maybe Space Invaders was a trifle dull and perhaps Galaxians was a custard slow. But Combat Zone was worth a play or ten and what about Earth Defence (a Missile Command clone)? Fast, fast and fast, just like it should be. Awful graphics and terrible sound. But who cares? It's got playability the like of which is rarely seen these days and makes a below average compilation into one which is really worth checking out. Buy it.

REVIEW BY: Ben Stone, Mike Dunn

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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